Chikanga Church Dedication in Mutare, Zimbabwe on May 4th!

Learn more from the NH Conference’s recent 2024 visit to Zimbabwe: 


Representatives of Jackson Community Church are attending the dedication of the new Chikanga building in Zimbabwe late this spring. We will arrive at the end of April, and the dedication takes place on Sunday, May 4th. When we arrive in Zimbabwe, we will first meet representatives of the national Zimbabwe Conference of the United Church of Christ in the capital city of Harare. Later that day, we will travel with our Chikanga hosts to the city of Mutare, where our partner Chikanga Church is located. We will stay with hosts and participate in the May 4th worship service for the dedication of the new church building with its completed roof.

The invitation to our own church community, for individuals to join this trip, remains open through this March. If anyone in the congregation or community wishes to join this trip, we urge you to contact the church office by email as soon as possible: Chikanga Church will make additional arrangements to transport and host us. Note that our own church is NOT covering any of the cost of travel, so all costs associated with the trip, except for gifts mentioned below, will be covered by any participants who decide to travel. Rev Gail and Chris Doktor and Jeanette Heidmann are currently the representatives from Jackson Community Church going on this trip.

All funds from our church have gone directly to construction of the Chikanga church building. Any additional financial gifts will be used to sponsor gifts (below) to the church and community, and offset any costs to our hosts, such as gas.

REQUESTS for ZIMBABWE (we are hand-carrying all contributions)


Your sponsorship will cover costs of gifts we are bringing to church and community:

  • COMMUNION SET already ordered and received to be carried to the church – $575 (total)

    Chikanga Church currently use a kitchen plate and kitchen cup and plastic cups for communion. We have been told by the NH Conference, and leaders of the Chikanga church itself, that a communion set would be a much-appreciated gift for their worship life. The cost of this full set, which includes small glass cups, brass-plated cup and bread dispensers, and a brass-plated chalice and paten (plate for bread) is over $500. We will hand carry the set to Zimbabwe.
    They regularly serve at least 80 adults and also have youth (16 boys and 12 girls between the ages of 13-25 years) and children (25 boys and 26 girls between the ages of 3-12 years).
  • CHILDREN/YOUTH GIFTS already acquired (soccer balls with pumps, matchbox cars, small dolls, etc) – $450 (total)

    Due to embargoes in Zimbabwe, it is difficult or impossible to acquire imported items. Shipping does not work; previous attempts have been held up indefinitely in ports. Instead we are carrying limited items with us, in our bags. (See also the list of in-kind contributions.)
  • Liturgical paraments (textiles for church and/or pastor) – pending if funds permit

Any financial DONATIONS:

2) IN-KIND DONATIONS we are collecting to carry in luggage to hosts and communitymust be brought to us by Easter Sunday. Basket and bags to gather contributions are placed in the JCC Parish Hall:

  • Pillar or taper candles: wax, unscented (not battery-operated) for host households
  • Solar-powered collapsible lanterns such as Lumi Lights from REI with LED lights (just a few for host households)
  • Toiletry items like nail clippers, cuticle scissors, tweezers
  • Frst aid supplies: thermometers, Tylenol, antibiotic cream, steroid creams,
  • Chalk, crayons, colored pencils for children in community
  • Black tea (British brands) – no herbal, flavored or fruity teas

Plus Gifts already being created for us to hand-carry in our luggage:

Youth & families from our church and the wider community are making friendship bracelets for us to carry to the children and youth of the Chikanga Church.

One of our resident artists, Linda Gray, is creating a one-of-kind clergy stole for the pastor of the Chikanga Church, Rev. Liberty Maadza. You can see her textile art in the banner hanging in JCC’s parish hall, and learn more about her ongoing artwork at this site:

Depicted is a section of one of Linda’s painting. Natural settings such as this are her inspiration for much of her work. including her textiles.

Chikanga Church Dedication in Mutare, Zimbabwe on May 4th!
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