10:30am, March 23 Worship during Lent
Livestream from JCC sanctuary: Bulletins for Service (pdf and jpg): March23_bulletin_miracle_feeding_Worshipv4_updated
Summit, Spirit, Sky: connect to community and creation!
Livestream from JCC sanctuary: Bulletins for Service (pdf and jpg): March23_bulletin_miracle_feeding_Worshipv4_updated
CENTERING PRAYER for Lent 9am on Thursdays: March 20-April 13 Meet at the Old red Library Co-facilitated by Donna Dunn and Rev Gail Doktor Use weekly scripture to experience a version of lectio divina with sharing and contemplative silence and prayer All are welcome, drop-in as your schedule permits!
SUN, April 13 8am • INTERFAITH GATHERING @ Old Red Library Come for poetry, prayer and conversation 9:15am • LENTEN CHOIR PRACTICE @ JCC Come to the sanctuary to practice 10:30am • WORSHIP SERVICE @ JCC Service with focus on palm procession into Jerusalem and highlights of miracles during Jesus’ final week of life Lenten […]
Livestream from JCC sanctuary: Bulletins for Service (pdf and jpg): March16_bulletin_miracle_healing_Worshipv4
Livestream from JCC sanctuary: Bulletins for Service (pdf and jpg): March9_bulletin_miracle_Worshipv1