Weekly Meditations

Reflections from Book of Job, one of the wisdom texts we’re studying together

We must cultivate our garden. — Voltaire, Candide The most famous line in Voltaire’s ”Candide” is the final one: ”We must cultivate our garden.” That is Candide’s response to the philosopher Pangloss, who tries again and again to prove that we live in the best of all possible worlds, no matter what disasters befall us. […]

WISDOM Reflections – Theme from last week’s Proverbs text

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. — Reinhold Niebuhr SONGS about WISDOM: Sophia Sing to Me – Song about Lady Wisdom by Andy Rogers (folk): https://youtu.be/e-n8eNy_2Ww Only Love by Jordan Smith, covered by Fearless […]

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