
Poetry for Superbowl Sunday

Evening Practice  (excerpt)—  D. Nurkse … I ran out to savor the dregs of dusk playing with my friends in the road that led to the highway. The ball flew up toward day and landed in night. … Superbowl Sunday (excerpts)  —  G Doktor … screaming in joy, not pain Believing in a team That can […]

Meditations on walking toward freedom from bondage

What does it mean to walk for freedom? What freedoms do we have and which ones are being dismantled? How will we stand for freedom and resist oppression and injustice? And sometimes, when it is beyond our control, where do we experience the love and grace that holds us accountable, but also sets us free? […]

Meditation on Strangers & Bread: Road and Table with the Unknown

Whom Aren’t You Noticing? Who or what has the capacity to break you open? More Blues and the Abstract Truth (excerpt) — C. D. Wright … Well. Then. You say Grandmother let me just ask you this: How does a body rise up again and rinse her mouth from the tap. And how does a […]

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