Justice & Activism

Resources to educate & engage about racial justice

RESOURCESBelow are some resources focused on education and engagement around racial justice. Use what you find helpful. What is happening in this nation is complicated, and cannot be simplified into absolutes, binary/dualistic categories, or declarEveryday Racism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atfVUgyEIOIations that make us only “either/or”, “good/bad”, “right/wrong”, “in/out”. Use these resources as starting points for deeper and more […]

Racial Justice Initiatives

EVENTS & DATES to NOTE Sun, Sept 13 by zoom @ 7pm, Racial Justice Advocacy & Learning Group (first conversation): Zoom link and password required. M onthly topical conversations.This group is also making decisions re priorities and ongoing advocacy in valley around businesses, sporting industry, education and other areas of interest. 5:30pm – Tue, Sept […]

This Week at JCC and Around Town: TUE, Sept 1 – MON, Sept 7 (Labor Day Weekend)

TUE, Sept 1 CLERGY LUNCH12:30pm • ZoomLocal clergy gathering for meal and discussion. Community Event: LIBRARY PICKUP/PRINTING HOURS2-6pm • Jackson Public LibraryYou can place a hold – online via your Koha account using your 14 digit library card number Contact by email: staff@jacksonlibrary.org. or leave a voice message at 603-383-9731 We will send you an […]

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