Justice & Activism

Meditation on circle of life, death & rebirth: themes from Holy Week

HOLY WEEK: Risk, brokenness, resistance, and death balanced by love, justice, healing, hope and renewal. — Rev Gail I am a broken person and a resurrection person — Anne Lamott We Pray This Day— Ann Weems O God, we pray this day: for all who have a song they cannot sing, for all who have […]

THIS WEEK at Jackson Community Church and Around Town: WED, Jan 9 – SUN, Jan 13

MON, Jan 8 & TUE, Jan 9 PASTORAL CARERev Gail traveled Monday-Tuesday with a community member to provide support during a medical emergency. WED, Jan 9 ** Cancelled ** SNOW DAY:  TUNE UP FITNESS with Laurie McAleer ** Cancelled ** cancelled due to weather. This class follows the school’s weather conditions: when school is cancelled […]

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