
Meditations on Parables and Everyday Stories: Mustard Seeds & Weeds

In Case of Complete Reversal  — Kay Ryan Born into each seed is a small anti-seed useful in case of some complete reversal: a tiny but powerful kit for adapting it to the unimaginable. If we could crack the fineness of the shell we’d see the bundled minuses stacked as in a safe, ready for […]

Meditations on themes from the Parable of the Sower & the Seed

Reflections on hard earth and fertile ground: sowing seeds, putting down roots, growing shoots … putting parables to work in current times. The Sower by VanGogh A Short Story of Falling — Alice Oswald It is the story of the falling rain to turn into a leaf and fall again it is the secret of […]

Meditations on Carrying Burdens and Putting Them Down

Burden — Judith McCombs I am carrying the bowl where she fed, bitter herbs, salt, honey, the taste of her life. I am carrying the cloth where she lay, her dark hair veining the white, imprint & pain washed away, the binding, the seams folded shut. I am carrying what is left, her voice in […]

Meditations on Independence and Bondage for July 4th Weekend

Reflections as we approach July 4th weekend: who is free, who is not free? Themes of spiritual freedom versus civic freedom … pondering Abraham’s obedience to Yahweh, willingness to sacrifice a child, the merciful intervention that freed him from such an act. What is asked of us? What is offered to us? My father always […]

Meditations on the story of Abraham, Ishmael & Hagar, Sarah & Isaac.

Meditations on summer solstice, mother & child abandoned in desert, miraculous rise of wellspring, hope in dry places: themes from the story of Abraham, Ishmael & Hagar, Sarah & Isaac as patriarchs and matriarchs of two faiths and two families, sundered. Abraham’s Farewell to Ishmael — George Segal Wind, Water, Stone — Octavio Paz Translated […]

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