

C3: COCKTAILS & CHRISTIAN CONVERSATIONS meets 5pm, Fri, March 7 Prepare your favorite beverage and join us via zoom to discuss this week’s scripture See additional resources below. We’re providing the scripture for this Sunday’s service so your can reflect in advanc FOR BACKGROUND STUDY: Water of Life from BibleProject: John: The Gospel of […]

March 1st Devotional

March Daily Devotionals begin with Calm and Centering Scripture: Deuteronomy 31:6 — Be strong and bold; have no fear or dread of them, because it is the LORD your God who goes with you; [God] will not fail you or forsake you. Reflection: We are mortals, and finite. We feel vulnerable to changes in the […]

DAILY GRATITUDE DEVOTIONAL – Day 28: Gratitude for the Journey

Day 28: Gratitude for the Journey Scripture: Psalm 118:24 ( — This is the day that the Lord has made;  let us rejoice and be glad in it. Meditation: From the moment we arrive in the world, we are on a journey. Until we depart this world, we are traveling through a human, embodied experience. […]

DAILY GRATITUDE DEVOTIONAL — Day 27: Grateful for Rest

Day 27: Grateful for Rest Scripture: Romans 15:13 — May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in [Holy Love]. Meditation: Some people say hope is not a plan. Yet from hope springs the seeds of resilience and empowerment. Hope includes the capacity to stand in your current […]

Memorial Service Details Date: December 7, 2024 Time: 12:00pm Location: Jackson Community Church, Jackson NH Following the service, there will be a reception for those who would like to gather and share memories. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to any of the following charities: Wesleyan Aquarium Club ℅ Covenant […]

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