March 9 Lenten Devotional

Lenten devotionals for March and April. We will focus on a different concept each day of the week: Sundays: Resting/Taking Sabbath Mondays: Fasting Tuesdays: Giving Wednesdays: Serving Thursdays: Praying Fridays: Studying/Learning Saturdays: Celebrating/Playing.

March 9 (Sunday – Resting/Taking Sabbath)

  • Scripture:Hebrews 4:9-10 – So then, a Sabbath rest still remains for the people of God, 10 for those who enter God’s rest also rest from their labors as God did from his.
  • Reflection: The Sabbath is an invitation to grow quiet, vulnerable, introspective and/or light of heart and calm of mind. It is time apart from the busy-ness and demands of daily schedules and obligations, a lesson in self-care and self-renewal, so that we may enter and engage life more fully. Embrace this day that is set aside for physical and spiritual renewal; if this isn’t the day you are able to create a Sabbath, then identify when you can do so.
  • Spiritual Practice Prompt: Dedicate today to rest, reflection, and enjoy nature as a way of honoring God.

In rest, we find God. In stillness, we hear Him – Ruth Haley Barton, Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership.

The Silence — Wendell Berry

Though the air is full of singing
my head is loud
with the labor of words.

Though the season is rich
with fruit, my tongue
hungers for the sweet of speech.

Though the beech is golden
I cannot stand beside it
mute, but must say

‘It is golden,’ while the leaves
stir and fall with a sound
that is not a name.

It is in the silence
that my hope is, and my aim.
A song whose lines

I cannot make or sing
sounds men’s silence
like a root. Let me say

and not mourn: the world
lives in the death of speech
and sings there.

March 9 Lenten Devotional
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