Daily Devotional
Cultivate different facets of love each day this month.
February 19: Love that Protects
- Scripture: Proverbs 18:10 – The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe.
- Reflection: Part of love and care is protecting those with whom we are in relationships.
Of course, those we love sometimes prefer to be independent. People become towers of strength, rather than acknowledging vulnerability, or seeking help.
Conversely, we ourselves are often the ones who turn down support. We are often too proud to allow those who care for us, including Holy Love, to be present to us. Instead we try to cope on our own.
Yet allowing ourselves to be open to support is also a form of strength. At its best, in a caring and sustaining relationship, vulnerability allows people to connect more deeply. We create bonds of trust and safety. When we enter into more vulnerable connections, we are permitted to offer protection and care for each other. Ideally, relationships will find a balance in which each person is participating and offering care and strength to the other.
It is okay to seek God’s love. We are directed to ask for what we need, including help and support and protection. - Spiritual Practice Prompt: Reach out to someone who may be feeling vulnerable and offer them support.
- Stand by Me by Ben E. King: https://youtu.be/7rZyI7kPZMI?si=L86TvAqnl_iJODa9
Fierce Blessing — Jan Richardson
Believe me when I say
there is nothing
this blessing would not do
to protect you
to save you
to encompass you.
This blessing
would stand between you
and every danger,
every evil,
every harm
and hurt.
This blessing
would dare
to wade with you
into the waters that come
bearing life.
It would make
a way for you
through the waters that come
threatening death.
I cannot explain
how fierce
this blessing feels
about you
but I can tell you
it has more than pledged
itself to you;
it would lay down
its life for you
and not once
look back in regret
nor go in sorrow
for what it has chosen
to give.
And you—
so deeply blessed,
so utterly encompassed—
what will you save
in turn?
Not because
it is owed
but because
you cannot imagine
failing to pass along
this grace
that casts its circle
so wide,
this love
that flows
so deep
through this perilous
and precious life.