Theodore Roosevelt

Lenten Reflection Day 34 (Mar 27): DEED (Psalm 40:5-10).

SONG: Deed I Do by Ella Fitzgerald: POEM: Heid Erdrich: The Theft Outright (excerpt):  … Such as we were we gave most things outright (the deed of the theft was many deeds and leases and claim stakes / and tenure disputes and moved plat markers stolen still today . . .) We were the […]

Reflections on idols & advocacy: Moses standing in the breach

In Exodus, Moses stood between Israel and G-d, when his people lost hope & trust and made an golden calf idol and G-d threatened to destroy them; Moses defended them and even made demands of G-d. Who do you identify with in this story? For whom will each of us speak? And what will we […]

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