department of health and human services facts and figures

Response and resources due to ongoing concern over Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) .

Resources to learn more about the Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) and precautions to help slow its spread.


Below are some practical ways that friends and members of our church can help reduce risk. We will adapt worship and socialization until precautions are lifted.

The following guidelines have been created under review by our minister, deacons, hospitality providers with input from local safety experts and use of recommendations by CDC/NH DHHS. We will continue to adapt as needed, and welcome your ideas about best practices.
  • Use ‘social distancing’ to greet each other. Share peace signs or “I love you” hand signs from a distance. Avoid handshakes and hugs. Elbow bumps are okay, but minimize touching. This includes during passing of peace.
  • Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer available in each pew as often as necessary! Especially when you arrive and before you leave.
  • Use tissues available in each pew and discard into trash.Cough or sneeze into elbows & tissues and sanitize hands immediately.Preferably, stay home if you’re feeling under the weather, running a fever, coughing and sneezing, or if you’re particularly vulnerable to contracting an illness.
  • Alert us if you need help! Contact Rev Gail 978*273*0308 or alert us if you need help!
  • Bring your favorite hot or cold beverage to church!Enjoy it during worship. We won’t offer any beverages or food for a few weeks, as we follow advisories and decide on safest next steps to protect our vulnerable friends and members. Although it hurts to say so, food-based fellowship after church is currently suspended. We won’t offer coffee & tea, beverages or food after worship. We’ll re-evaluate over the next few weeks.
  • Offering (financial donations) will be collected at the beginning and end of service through use of donation baskets placed at each entrance to the sanctuary, rather than passing plates and common handling of money and checks. 
  • Consider online giving as a great option: we have a DONATE button online to allow this choice.
  • Communion options will be re-evaluated to offer the most safe options and continue to provide you with the sacrament.
  • Use our password-protected live-streaming option to enjoy worship safely from home if you are immuno-compromised, ill or simply cannot join us! Here is the live link. Use the password “together” to watch. The room and video image will be empty except during times of program use.
  • Meet outside as weather permits.


We will continue the launch of our Circle of Caring check-ins with vulnerable friends and neighbors, as this is more important than ever. We will, however, honor the decisions of Circle of Caring ‘buddies’ to do check-ins in ways that they deem safe.

Also, we may not be able to visit some people in rehab and medical settings, due to patient safety. As of now, we’re permitted, but this has been changing in local facilities.

Please alert us if you know of anyone who needs a safety check or simply a wellness visit to mitigate isolation, loneliness and vulnerability!


First is all, let us pray to our healing God for those affected, and those at risk. Then let us live out our prayers by being responsible partners in slowing the spread of this illness.

Below is a blessing from Jan Richardson.

And All Be Made Well
A Healing Blessing — Jan Richardson

That each ill
be released from you
and each sorrow
be shed from you
and each pain
be made comfort for you
and each wound
be made whole in you

that joy will
arise in you
and strength will
take hold of you
and hope will
take wing for you
and all be made well.

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