

After co-leading a memorial service at a Rotary Summit meeting: “… thank you  for including me in the Summit Memorial Service  …  a portion [came from] the traditional Yom Kippur “Eyleh Ezkarah” (“These We Remember”) afternoon service. It was very appropriate for a memorial service, and I was honored to participate … May God bless your ministry in myriad ways.” — Rabbi Mark Golub

About the church’s coordination to offer a class facilitated by Rev Gail called “Introduction to Islam”  through the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute / OLLI class: “Thank you so much for volunteering to be an OLLI presenter. I know how much time and effort it takes to develop a class and it is greatly appreciated! I was sorry to have to miss the second class, but I know that each time was thought provoking and informative. After the last class I asked my husband how he thought it went and his comment  was “superb”. I’m sure that opinion would be reflected by all. Again thank you so much for bringing this opportunity to Conway.”  — Laura J

“So many hugs! Thank you so much for the delicious soup, salad and bread you sent home with me after a spontaneous stop … it was so nice to meet you. Your church seems so wonderful and has such good, positive energy. Thanks for all you do.” — JW

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